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Server Info
C3 Server on three machines with autorestart, very stable.
Server statistics:
Server1: 1 DUAL XEON 3.2 4GB SRV100Mbps|140GB SCSI
Server2: 1 DUAL XEON 3.2 2GB SRV100Mbps|140GB SCSI
Server3: 1 DUAL XEON 2.8 2GB SRV100Mbps|140GB SCSI
Rates Server 1: 15x XP/16x SP/17x Adena/15x Drop/15x Spoil
Rates Server 2: 5x XP/6x SP/7x Adena/5x Drop/5x Spoil
-Servers are C3
-Autorestart, uptime is 99%
-All shops rewritten by zero. Every town is specialized.
-All Skills up to lvl 74 + Dwarves Creation up to lvl 8
-1st and 2nd job items are sold in shops
-Castle sieges every week - Or events
-Clan Level up to 20 and new Proofs (Lord, Majesty, Emperor)
-Armors/Weapons up to S grade + Quests for Sealed Items
-Special Abilities on Weapons + Quest for Soul Crystals
-Marriage (Gludio, Giran, Aden) and Gambling ((Gludio, Giran)
-ALL duals, also hybrids like Sword+Dagger (and Dagger+Book
-Striders/Wyverns (three types of wyvern) (and Elpy as a pet
-Laboratories for Healers: they can craft potions
-Laboratories for Summoners: (they can craft summoning scrolls
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